maggio 17, 2019

Avalanche+® Queen of the Ball in Warsaw

First time presentation in Poland of largest rose collection ever

Leading rose power brand Avalanche+® teamed up with the embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Poland, PR agency Sigma NL and international florist organisation Florint to prominently present our premium rose variety Lexani together with 43 other rose varieties of Dümmen Orange at the Royal Rose Exhibition in Warsaw.

The last exhibition of cut roses in Warsaw took place in 1999. Two decades later, the Polish Rose Society brought the exhibition back to life on May 11-13th 2019. The event is now known as the ‘Royal Rose Exhibition’ and took place in the Kubicki Arcades of the Warsaw Royal Castle. The exhibition attracted an international crowd of florists, growers, importers and other visitors.

Rose power brand Avalanche+® was present together with rose varieties of Dümmen Orange and other breeders, with a leading role for the Avalanche+® brand. It was the first time that we presented Avalanche+® in such a prominent way together with so many other Dümmen Orange rose varieties in Poland. Roses sold under the brand Avalanche+® are known for their exclusivity, elegancy, and pastel colours and have been used for events such as royal and celebrity weddings and decorations in the Vatican City.

The event proved to be a big hit, more than 55.000 visitors came to the exhibition where rose varieties from all over the world were presented in all kinds of colours, shapes and sizes including special perfume roses. The Avalanche+® brand was the Queen of the Ball at this exhibition and was presented in floral arrangements.  At the opening of the Royal Rose Exhibition and the Royal Castle Gardens, guests were welcomed by Bouquet Ladies in specially designed Avalanche+® dresses and Polish debutantes showed their Avalanche+® dresses inspired by the colours and beauty of the roses.

The Polish Rose Society, together with the embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Poland and the Royal Castle in Warsaw were the main organizers of the exhibition. Dümmen Orange was one of the strategic partners, together with it’s PR representatives in Poland.

For more information please contact:

Roy van Kester – Marketing Manager Avalanche+®